WORK • Thursday Routine
RAPHAEL DARGENT • film composer • Lighthouse 26 Studios
Neighborhood you live in: Venice Beach
It’s Thursday morning. What’s the scene at your workplace?
The smell of coffee is prominent in the studio as the sun is about to get through the windows. I'm turning on my equipment and preparing for a day of writing and recording music after quickly reviewing my work from the previous day.
What’s on the agenda for today?
I'm working on a feature drama film. I've been working with this director for the past month, so I've already established the tone and musical vocabulary for the movie. This is usually quite a fun time to write as I can get cruising without overthinking it, as a lot of music has already been approved by the production team and we have already done the hard work of getting on the same page.
Any restaurant plans today, tonight, this weekend?
I have a lunch meeting, and I usually like to have a bite at Gjusta if it's not too crowded. For dinner, Piccolo on Abbot Kinney is an easy pick, as they’re always flexible even when I haven't got a reservation. American Beauty is a great option when I’m looking for delicious meat around Venice.
How about a little leisure or culture?
I've enjoyed going to Abbot Kidding on Thursday nights. It features emerging stand-up comedy talents on the patio of the Roosterfish — always great fun! If you're into jazz, I recommend swinging by Sam First near LAX. It's a cozy hidden jazz bar with live music every night.
Any weekend getaways?
When we're in the mood, we love getting on our bikes and cycling to Manhattan Beach, or further south up to Palos Verdes, an easy and spectacular ride.
What was your last great vacation?
We drove up to the Timber Cove Resort north of San Francisco and had such a relaxing time. Nature is absolutely breathtaking and the hotel is incredibly designed with lots of interesting events such as wine tasting and live music.